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Monday 23 May 2016

a little bit about me

Smart phones for dummies

So hey, this is my first blog. Where have i been right?!

As most people blog about their passions nowadays which seems to be all about make-up and fashion, as much as i do enjoy those things being a girl I also love other things. I am going to blog about mine or more so what i spend my day doing. Which also happens to be my job. What do I do you ask? I work in a phone store. A mobile phone shop. Now before you think of it, I am not here to sell you anything, Therefore I  wont be mentioning the brand of phone shop I work in. 

what is my goal?

What I am aiming to do is have a place for all you guys and gals that don't know how to use your smart phone or have parents/friends that can't use their smart phone, a place to go for you to learn or for you to show them how to use their/your phone.

It may seem ironic that I am using the Internet through a blog page to show people that do not know how to use a smart phone how to use their smart phone, because we mostly assume that those people can't access the Internet, never have and are still living under a rock, however NOPE that's not the case. working in a phone shop has told me that most of these people have already been using this technology but for some reason they can not grasp the mobile phone. they would much rather keep to a nokia 3310, well let's face it, if we still had one we wouldn't to throw it away either. (or is that just me giving away my age)


It will be a tough task to pull off I think but with your help I know it will work out. so what I am going to ask is that you guys share any of your questions about smart phones with me anything that you're unsure about or were unsure about in the past and any suggestions you might have. 

I will be posting a blog on turning the phone on and off.. Yes I know to some of you that this might seem a little unnecessary. but hey the page is "smart phones for dummies" and we wanna share everything from the beginning to the endless possibilities so that includes the magic power button. You would be surprised how many people come in store and think their phone is broken. wanting to buy a new one because this one stopped working for me to then turn it on and them looking amazed like I had just saved a dog from a burning fire. 

So as this is my first blog I would like to keep it short and sweet. Think of it like a little introduction into what it will all be about. SO please feel free to share your smart phone fears and tell me anything you would like to know. ( I don't know how to end this thing, I kind of feel like saying xoxo gossip girl) maybe i need some sort of cool signature at the end too like gadget girl instead of gossip girl :) so if you have any suggestions share those too. until then you will have to settle for this.
