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Wednesday 14 December 2016

Samsung S7 edge to buy or not to buy

So I have purchased the s7 edge after sticking with HTC for the last 3 years and before that I had iPhone. I made the plunge and went back to Samsung a few weeks ago.
Before I give you my review let's start at how I made the decision to change.
I knew I wanted something different because I had the HTC M7. M8 AND the M9 so I needed my phone to feel like something new.  When you stay with the same brand even in the higher end phones it doesn't always feel like your getting a new phone. Just upgrading certain features. So that was a start.
Working with phones i am surrounded by all kinds of phones and pretty much know all a person should know before buying you would think this makes it easier but no. It makes it harder. I hear people's horror stories too so I wanted something reliable. 
As I am a gadget girl I love technology so I want my phone to be the highest in technology. I want my phone to do things no other phone can do.
As most females my age (late 20s) I want to be able to take a nice photo Wether it be a selfie or just nice scenery when I'm away or going for a walk. Not that I'm a self proclaimed photographer or anything I just love photographs.
I am gone for over 12 hours a day so I need a good battery life my old htc battery was starting to die quite quuckly and I had done a factory reset on my phone a few times. (I don't recommend constantly factory resetting your phone but every now and then is fine. More on this in another blog)
So with all that in mind I had a lot to think about. It took me months to decide. One day in work this new phone came in store it blew me away it was beautiful. It could do things no other phone could do and it looked absolutely stunning it had fast charge it was water resistant it came in a beautiful blue grey colour. I've always had black phones. The pen came with its own features  . It was the samsung note 7 if you hadnt figured it out yet!! My mind was set that was it that was the phone for me.
But alas before I could purchase it the handset came to a complete and shell shockingly  horrific end... in a blaze of fire like my dreams of having the perfect phone it blew up.
So let's start again. I thought no way I can't go through all this again so I broke it down the s7 edge didn't have that pen but I thought ya I can live without it but I need something more. Than bam the gear vr was my answer (Samsungs  virtual reality headset) I have a cardboard headset but it's nothing like the gear)
So there it is I had a phone that in theory had everything I wanted. But what was it going to be like when I started using it my way. Just because I work with phones all day doesn't mean I get to use them the way I would my own. 
At first I wasn't sure about it because the whole interface was different. (interface is the layout and menu, navigation from colours to icons pretty much everything how the phone looks when using it)
It's a 5.5 inch screen so at first it looks a bit bigger than most phones which can be daunting for some and I have an Otterbox on it which makes it look a bit bigger. for me I love the size of the screen and I would never have a phone without an Otterbox so therefore it doesn't bother me in the slightest any case would make it bigger but this way it's protected at its best.
The fast charge is 60% in 30 minutes and there was never a truer word said  I have plugged this phone on charge gone to make a cup of tea and been really surprised by the amount of charge it took while I was gone. You can be told this by someone who is selling you your next phone but until your using it and really see it you will never use a normal charger again. EVER.
The screen resolution and colour is amazing. Can't really say much about it other than it really feels the price of it when I'm looking at it. It's bright clear colours which you could say about any smartphone but again I sell this phone everyday and until I started using it myself with my own apps I never really noticed how fantastic it was.
Battery life apart from fast charging it has a stay on feature so I can check my notifications on screen without having to push the power button or home button this saves battery and like I said in a previous blog I'll just about make it Til the end of the working day but I use it throughout the whole day. The phone rarely leaves my hand. This is checking emails and whatsapp and text messages. And on my break i watch videos scroll through Facebook and browse Google Chrome. Once I make it Til I get home from work this doesn't bother me. I can always give it a fast charge before I leave to make it home with if needed.
A really cool feature is while I'm in one app and I receive a text message the phone will show me the text message and I can even reply to the message without me having to close down the app. Which never happened in any other phone I had  it seems to me like it's such an obvious feature to have now why every phone doesn't do this I'll never know.
I mentioned I wanted a great camera and we'll this phone is such an obvious choice for its camera. Though it may seem when you check what megapixels the phone has don't let that fool you at all. Samsung have opened up its lens which allows in way more light and more light means you get a much clearer photo and with the HDR this means even in low lighting.
The edge screen functionality is quite cool if you like to be organised. It's more like a PDA system for yourself.  Have an edge screen for all the apps I use at work. I also  have an edge screen for my most used contacts
So that's everything I really enjoy about this phone.
I really only have two things I'm not so keen over. Which is the edge screen sometimes while I'm using the phone I will accidentally swipe the edge and it'll bring up the menu so if your easily confused about maneuvering around your handset then this would annoy you but this can be switched off altogether so you'll get the nice big screen without any edge functionality.
I also don't like the one handed feature if I accidentally hold too long on the top of a page or app I'm looking at it will minimise the screen similar to how it would on a computer screen. Again this feature can be turned off its quite a small thing.
One thing I noticed it had that no other phone I've seen has had. Maybe it's been out before and I never really knew about it because it's not something I would use. However if you like your games you can activate the game centre controls which gives you a very cool option to record your game play for whatever reason one would do this I think that it's a really cool idea for people who like to create videos about games. Not sure if this is in all phones  maybe someone could let me know?
So I'm hoping that was all very easy to understand  I like to try and keep it simple. Some techy people may think it wasn't enough information and maybe some not so techy people will think it was too much so whatever your opinion please let me know by using the comment section. Also feel free to share :)

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